Wednesday, May 10, 2017

5/10/17 3D Design

Today's Class- We briefly reviewed the events of the semester, and I explained the grades for last week's accepted project.  Brian told us he had finished attaching the last few parts that they had created in class last week.  Then it was time to inflate the giant penguin and see the results.

And we had a giant penguin, including air flowing into the flippers, the beak, the feet, and the tail.  Held air long enough to reach full size and stand tall with help holding it upright.  Doesn't fly, but then no penguin of any size does.  Perhaps with helium...

How to make this up- Everyone was present and the project was completed.

Homework- Nothing, since the semester is now over.  I'll submit grades in the next few days.

For next class- You get to stay home next Wednesday.  I emptied the glass display case of any student work from the past year, which was either returned or disposed of.  

Enjoy the summer.

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

5/3/17 3D Design

Today's Class- Tonight the students continued on the final project- the large scale inflatable pieces begun last week.  However we also took time to look at the projects due today- the scale installation pieces involving plaster figures and whatever else they wanted to use.  Below are two examples.

How to make this up- Working together with peak efficiency, the class almost pulled off the completion of an eight foot tall penguin before the end of the night.  Came up a little short, but we have time to finish it next week.

Homework- The Final Project- the large scale inflatable animal piece, is due May 10, 2017.  This is the final meeting of the semester, last chance to earn points in this class.

For next class 5/10/17- You have the whole period if you need it, but once you have shown your completed final project, you're done.  We will also clean up and/or dispose of anything that we did this semester.

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

4/26/17 3D Design

Today's Class- The morning class had left the 3D room a bit of a disaster, but the students were prepared and cleaned things enough to make use of the tables.  Today we began our final project of the semester, large scale inflatable sculptures.  This will take us through the end of the semester, not far away.

How to make this up-  Everyone was present tonight and is caught up, but in case people want to review what we accomplished... The first step was I had everyone do at least 5 pencil sketches, one each of 5 animals of their choice.  I had brought in a set of wildlife encyclopedias to use as a source, but any images can be used.

The next step was to choose one of those sketches to expand into a small 3D model, using the original source photo and constructing it with bristol board.  Above, pencil sketches of some animals.  Below, 3D model of a penguin.

Homework- The completed scale installation sculpture (plaster) is due at the beginning of class on May 3, 2017.  At that time we will critique and grade the results.

The completed inflatable sculpture will be due on May 10, 2017, which is our final class meeting of the semester.

When we left the worktables had been cleaned.  The classroom sink on the other hand, we left that as we found it.

For next class 5/3/17- We will critique the scale installation sculptures then continue our work on the Final Project.  Bring clear plastic drop cloth, clear plastic sealing tape, scissors, and your plans for the inflatable sculpture. Students have the option of working together on one inflatable, or each working on one by themselves.  They will not be inflated until the following week.  

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

4/19/17 3D Design

Today's Class- Tonight work continued on the scale installation inspired piece, starring your little plaster figure.  Much plaster dust and chunks were created with the available tools, with the figures definitely taking shape.  I also talked a little bit about the Final Project, which we will be beginning next week.

How to make this up- All were present tonight so everyone knows what we're doing.  

When your plaster figure is complete, you need to create a setting for it.  In an installation sculpture, everything is part of the work and contributes to the narrative, etc.  It should be a fixed defined space, and the theme should relate to your figure somehow, but as artist you will select that theme.  You may use any materials you want, color, texture, whatever.  Above we see an early stage of this particular project, and I expect we'll see some changes before it's done.

Homework- The completed installation piece is due on May 3, 2017.

For next class 4/26/17- The last three meetings of the semester will be devoted to the Final Project, which will be a large inflatable piece.  It will be constructed from clear plastic drop cloths and plastic sealing tape, and the subject will be an animal or plant.  It must be at least 8 feet in one direction, and must have some articulations (legs, head, wings, etc)  It will need to hold air long enough for us to see the full shape.  

Next week is the first phase, which involves doing sketches and making small models of the intended piece, which gives a better understanding of how it will be constructed.  Some examples of this first step from previous semesters:

The last step is converting your sketch to a full size three dimensional artwork, as in the examples shown below:

For next class, you need a sketchbook, pencil and eraser, glue, scissors or x-acto knife, and scraps of bristol board and/or foam core sufficient to build a small model of the animal or plant you decide to build.  You have the option of working in groups for the final piece, but everyone must do the sketches and construct a small model themselves.