Thursday, January 27, 2011

1/27/11 2D Design

Today's Class- Tonight they got the snow cleared away in time for us to have our first class meeting of the semester. I distributed the syllabus and reviewed it with the class. After that the students filled out a survey about their artistic experiences and we discussed it as a class.

Homework- none

For next class 2/3/11- We will start our study of two dimensional art and design with the most basic unit of mark making- the dot. Bring your 18" x 24" pad of drawing paper, pencil and eraser, and ultra fine point and larger permanent markers. We will start a graded project that will be based on a black and white photograph of your choosing. Students are encouraged to bring a black and white photo (can be a photographic print, something from a book or other publication, etc) to class. The photo should have a wide range of value tones (light to dark) and be something you are comfortable drawing. For those who don't bring any photo, I will have a pile of source material for students to choose something from.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Welcome to the Spring 2011 Semester

This is the blog that I have created for my classes at OCC. I will use this blog each week to post information about the 2D Design class. I will include a full description of the exercises and projects done in class, homework assignments, due dates, as well as photos of examples of completed student work if available and applicable. I will also list the art materials needed for the following week's class. The title of each post will include the date and name of the class. About a month's worth of posts will appear on the main page, but earlier posts will be available through the blog archives on the right.

Certainly this blog will be very useful to any student who misses a class, however it will also be helpful to students who never never miss a class, but just want to verify a due date or need a reminder of what to bring to class. It is available to you 24/7 to provide those basic answers. If students still have questions that can't be answered here, you are welcome to e-mail me directly and I'll usually get back to you within a day.