Thursday, March 21, 2013

3/21/13 Basic Drawing

Today's Class-  Today we continued our study of value in still life drawing, but with a new medium, ink wash.  We looked at a few slides of historical artwork in this medium, and a few examples of student work- both slides and actual drawings.  I showed an example of my own how washes are built up gradually to get the full range of values.  Then students did two drawings from the set up using the ink wash to match the values.  We also took time to look at last week's charcoal drawings and have a quick critique before the graded drawings were returned.

How to make this up- Set up the still life.  Hang a large white drape of some kind (sheet, towel, etc) from something tall or from a wall so that it creates a backdrop.  Place all-white objects in front of the drape and lightly produce a pencil contour line sketch of the set up.  Then use ink wash to match the value of the objects and drape.  Before beginning, look at this example of how ink wash is mixed and how they are used to gradually build value in a drawing.  Do two such drawings on your 18" x 24" paper, paying attention to size, shapes, and value, as in the examples above.  Additional examples of student ink wash drawings and the specific instructions for the assignment can be found here.

These are portfolio exercises that must be made up by the last day of class to receive credit.

Homework-  Set up a still life similar to what we had in class.  Hang a white or light colored drape so that it hangs down and the lower part rests on a table or the floor.  Place a white or light colored object at the base of the drape.  Light with a directional light to create patterns of light and shadow.  Do a contour line sketch in pencil in your sketchbook, then use ink wash to match the values.  Replace the object with a different white or light colored object and do another ink wash value drawing.  Total of two drawings, one per page.

****Spring Break next week No Class 3/28/13****

For next class 4/4/13-  We will continue using ink wash, doing the third graded project of the semester. Bring your 18" x 24" pad (or an equivalent size piece of watercolor paper), pencil and eraser, black waterproof drawing ink, watercolor brushes, and containers for water.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

3/14/13 Basic Drawing

Today's Class-  Today the class did the final charcoal value drawing of the semester, which was turned in to be graded and returned next week. While that was going on, I graded the 1st Half Portfolio, all the drawings done this semester except for the two individually graded drawings.  

How to make this up- You will need to set up a still life involving both mixed value drapery and mixed value objects.  Draw the still life using either vine or compressed charcoal.  Student examples and the full directions for how to set up the still life can be found here.

This is a graded assignment.  The longer it takes to you to make it up, the more points will be deducted from the grade.  

If you did not turn in the portfolio today, complete it and bring it in as soon as possible.  Again, the longer the delay, the more points will be deducted.  

Homework-  You will need two balls used for playing sports.  One large (such as a basketball, football, soccer ball, etc) and one small (such as a baseball, softball, tennis ball, etc).  Place the two next to each other and light to create patterns of light and shadow.  Draw on a page of your sketchbook using your softest pencil (such as a 6B or 8B), paying attention to shape, relative size, and value.  Arrange the two differently and draw again on a second page in your sketchbook.  Total of two drawings.

For next class 3/21/13-  We will continue our study of value in drawing, but now using ink wash.  Bring your 18" x 24" pad, pencil and eraser, small bottle of black waterproof drawing ink, watercolor brushes, and two containers (cups, cans, etc) that will hold water.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

3/7/13 Basic Drawing

Today's Class- Today we continued our study of value using charcoal, both vine and compressed.  One significant difference- this time the set up included not just white objects and drapery, but objects with other local values.  Two drawings were done.

How to make this up- Set up a still life.  Place a box on a table and drape with both a white and solidly colored cloth, so that parts of both are visible.  Arrange 4 objects (two white or light colored, two darker colored) on and around the draped box,  Light with a directional light to create patterns of light and shadow.  Further details and examples of previous student work can be found here.

These are portfolio exercises, which should be done before next week, both for the practice and because the 1st half portfolio will be graded during class next week.

1st Half Portfolio Collection

Next week I'll be grading the 1st Half Portfolio, which is all the work done in class except for the Still Life Line Graded Project.  If you haven't missed any parts of any classes, you should have it all done.  If you have missed time, or just want to make sure you have it all in one place, these are the expected drawings and the dates you'll find them on this blog:

1/31/13  Contour Line (shoes)
2/7/13    Gesture/Reductive (bamboo)
              Negative Space  (chair, bottles)
2/14/13  Perspective (boxes, boxes and cans)
2/28/13  Value w/white objects (vine and compressed)
3/7/13    Value w/mixed value objects (vine and compressed)

Portfolios not brought in for grading on March 14th can be submitted in subsequent weeks, but will lose points for each week they are late.

Homework- Set up a still life.  Place a box on a table, and drape with a patterned cloth (stripes, checked, etc) Find 4 small objects of similar size, 2 white, 2 darker colors, and arrange on and around the draped box.  Light with a directional light to create patterns of light and shadow.  Draw the set up in your sketchbook using your softest pencil (6B or 8B), matching shapes, spacing, perspective, and value.  Then either change you position or rearrange the four objects and draw it again. Total of two pages of drawings.

For next class 3/14/13-  I will grade the 1st Half Portfolios while you work on our second graded project of the semester, the final charcoal drawing.  Bring your 18" x 24" pad, whichever kind of charcoal you prefer to draw with, kneaded eraser, and spray fixative.