Thursday, May 9, 2013

5/9/13 Basic Drawing

Today's Class- Our final meeting of the semester.  We started with a group critique of the Final Drawings from last week's class.  After that I dismissed everyone while I completed the grading of the 2nd half portfolios, and the sketchbooks.  When everyone returned about an hour later they picked up all those items and learned those grades.  Those who did not return can find their graded work on the top shelf on the set closest to the classroom door (the shelf has my name on it) with everyone's sketchbook tucked inside their 18" x 24" pad.  Final semester grades will be calculated over the next few days and will  be available online sometime after that.

Enjoy your summer.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

5/2/13 Basic Drawing

Today's Class-  Today was the final still life drawing of the semester.  A still life with a group of mixed objects was set up at the beginning of class and students had the whole class period to do their best drawing from it using their choice of charcoal, conte crayon, or ink wash.

How to make this up-  Everyone on the current roster showed up today, so everyone turned it in.

Homework-  No new homework this week, but next week I'll be grading the sketchbooks.  If you are not currently caught up, you have until next Thursday to make them up.  If you go back through the blog you will find the specific assignments for the 33 assigned sketches.

2nd Half Portfolio-

Next week I'll be grading the 2nd Half Portfolio, all the work not individually graded since we finished charcoal. This is what I'll be looking for and where it can be found on this blog:

3/21/13  Ink Wash  two still life drawings

4/11/13  Monotype Prints  three prints made with oil paint on plastic or metal

4/18/13  Conte crayon  two still life drawings, one red, one black

4/25/13  Conte crayon  mannequin drawings, two using black and red together

For next class 5/9/13-  Our final meeting.  We'll have a group critique of the final drawings, and I'll dismiss everyone temporarily while I finish grading those, the portfolios, and the sketchbooks.  You must bring the portfolios and sketchbooks to get the points for those.   Everything will be graded and returned before the end of the class period.