Thursday, January 31, 2013

1/31/13 Basic Drawing

Today's Class-  Today we began our study of line.  I showed a few dozen slides of historical art, from cave paintings through the 20th century, discussing how artists used line and the effect it had in the art.  After that, the class did a series of contour line exercises, working from shoes.

How to make this up-  Use your 18" x 24" pad and the pencil(s) of your choice.  Choose a shoe, one that is enclosed works best (avoid sandals, flip flops, etc).  You may put multiple shoe drawings on each page (as in the example above), and even use the backs of the pages if you want.  Full details of the exercises can be found here.

These are portfolio exercises, which must be made up by the first half portfolio collection.

Homework- In your sketchbook you will do a series of drawings of shoes using pencil line.  You may use the same shoe for all drawings, or a variety of shoes.  Draw one shoe per page in your sketchbook, drawing them large enough so that they mostly fill the page.  Do the following sketches:

8 exterior contour line only
1 cross contour shoe drawing
1 full detail line drawing

For next class 2/7/13- We will continue working with line.  Bring your 18" x 24" pad, pencils and eraser, and your sketchbook homework.  I'll provide the subjects for the drawing exercises.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

1/24/13 Basic Drawing

Today's Class-  Today was the first meeting of the semester.  After taking attendance, I reviewed the syllabus with the class.  Then I had the students fill out a survey of art interests and experiences, which we reviewed as a class.  

For next class 1/31/13- We'll begin our study of line.  Bring your 18" x 24" pad, pencils, and eraser.  We'll be drawing from shoes, but since I don't have enough to give to everyone, you'll be responsible for providing one of your own.  You may either bring an extra to class, or be prepared to take one off your foot.

Welcome to the Spring 2013 Semester

This is the blog that I have set up for my classes at Ocean County College.  Each week I will post information about the most recent class meeting.  The date of the class meeting and the name of the class will appear in the title.  Information specific to my Basic Drawing class (ARTS 183 - 04) will appear in green text.  General information for all students will appear in black text.

Sometime in the evening after each class meeting I'll post information about the class.  I will include a general description of what was covered that day, with detailed information about the specific exercises and/or projects worked on in class.  If available, I'll include photos of student examples from previous semesters.  Each post will also include the homework assigned that week, and a list of materials that will be needed for the following week's class.  About a month's worth of posts will appear on the main page, but the earlier ones can be viewed by clicking on "older posts" at the bottom of the page, or through the archive section in the right side column.

The main purpose of this blog is to help students who miss a class for whatever reason to catch up quickly.  Many students are able to make up missed work even before the following week.  Keep in mind that this is not an online class, and this blog is not a substitute for attending class.  But even if you never miss a class meeting, the blog may be helpful for students who would like to see additional examples of the projects, or who want reminders of when things are due, the specifics of the homework, or which materials to bring to class.  It is available to you 24/7 without you having to wait for me to reply to an e-mail.  If you have any questions that are not answered in the weekly posts, you can still e-mail me and I'll likely get back to you within a day.