Thursday, October 25, 2012

10/25/12 2D Design

Today's Class-  Tonight we looked at slides that had in common the use of text- letters and/or numbers. This included art from the medieval period through the present, as well as images from advertisements from the mid 20th century.   What all had in common was that the text elements generally provided content (information), but also the text was part of the compositional design and often the style of the text related to the style of art, or had a relationship to the theme of the piece.  This was all in preparation for a few related portfolio exercises.  Meanwhile, I helped all students who had finished blocks to print their woodcuts, which can be seen above.  

How to make this up-  The students did two exercises using markers.  One involved choosing words from a list, and then designing them on the page so that the meaning of the word was apparent from the way it was written.  Another required students to create logos for imaginary businesses, symbols that would sum up the nature of the business.  Example of both exercises and the full directions can be found here.  Though the work can be made up at any time before the end of the semester, I recommend getting to it soon, as the lesson here will be helpful for some future graded projects, and starting next week, there will be assigned homework after every class.

I am not likely to bring all the printing supplies with me next week, but students can still turn in their completed wood blocks, and I'll print them at my studio and bring in the results the following week.

Homework-  Nothing new, but only half the class has printed their blocks.  Finish them as soon as possible to receive partial credit.

For next class 11/1/12-  We will return to our study of color.  Bring your 18" x 24" pad, pencil and eraser, all your acrylic paints, brushes, palette, palette knife, and water container.  Also bring scissors and glue.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

10/18/12 2D Design

Today's Class-  Tonight we began our study of color, which will be part of almost everything we do for the rest of the semester.  We looked at slides from cave paintings to comic books, and we discussed the evolution of color technology, and the functions of color in two dimensional art.  After that the class did a series of exercise involving basic color theory and color mixing.

How to make this up-  Students completed three color related exercises.  First was a color wheel with primary, secondary, and intermediate colors.  Second was a mix of complementary colors and resulting neutrals.  Third was taking a color through a series of tints and shades.  Above is an example from a previous semester.  Additional examples and the full instructions can be found here.

These are portfolio exercises, and must be completed by the end of the semester to receive full credit.

Homework-  Nothing new, but the woodblock project begun last week is due at the beginning of class next week, October 25, 2012.  I'll bring the ink and tools needed to print them.

For next class 10/25/12-  While the class is collectively working on some portfolio exercises involving text as a visual element, I will help individual students to print their woodcut blocks.  Bring your 18" x 24" pad, pencil and eraser, and black permanent and fine point markers.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

10/11/12 2D Design

Today's Class-  Today we began the design oriented part of the semester with a project in black and white composition, in the form of a book illustration done in woodcut.  I showed slides of the history of printmaking over the past several hundred years, including some contemporary artists.  Then I distributed pieces of wood and had the students work on their ideas.  Later in the evening I did a demonstration of safe and effective methods for cutting images into wood with an x-acto knife.

How to make this up-  You won't be able to start the block until you get a piece of wood from me, but meanwhile you can work on your design.  The image will be 8" x 6", and can be vertical or horizontal, as in the student examples above and below.  I suggest working out multiple ideas in order to be able to choose the best one.  Consider how the image carries the narrative of your chosen literary source, and the pattern and balance of black and white shapes that you use.  I can look over the results in class next week and make suggestions.  Additional student examples and all the details of the project can be found here.

Homework- The completed carved woodblock is due at the beginning of class on October 25, 2012.  I will provide the ink and printing tools to help you print your block.  Those who still owe me their stipple drawing should try to turn them in as soon as possible to receive partial credit.

For next class 10/18/12- We will begin our study of color, which will be used most weeks after that.  Bring your 18" x 24" pad, pencil and eraser, acrylic paints (red/yellow/blue/black/white), brushes, palette, palette knife, and water container.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

10/4/12 2D Design

Today's Class- Today we concluded the basic drawing portion of the semester with an evening of value drawing.  I showed a few dozen slides of art from antiquity to the present, discussing in each case what role the value played (describing surfaces, implying volume and space, focusing attention, etc).  Also a few slides of advanced student charcoal drawings. Then students drew with charcoal from a simple still life, matching the size, shape, location, and value of the objects.

How to make this up-  Everyone was in attendance tonight, so there is no need for making it up.  However, if want to relive the experience, instructions for doing it again can be found here.

This was a portfolio exercise, so it won't be collected for an individual grade, but hold onto it for the end of the semester portfolio.

Homework- Nothing new, but a few people still owe be the stipple drawing or the plant drawing,   They should be turned in as soon as possible to receive partial credit.

For next class 10/11/12- Next week we enter the design portion of the semester.  We will begin a graded project in the form of a black and white book illustration from a literary source of your choice.  The source can be fiction or non-fiction, novel, short story, poem, etc, however nothing that is already fully illustrated, no fairy tales, children's or young adult books.  The medium will be a wood block print.  Come to class with an idea of what source you wish to use, and a copy of it if possible.  You can think about ideas, but you may find it useful to see the examples I show in class next week before designing your own.  Bring some kind of paper for sketching (a sketchbook will be fine, but you can use your 18" x 24" pad if you prefer), pencil and eraser, black markers, and x-acto knife.  I will provide the wood and demonstrate how to safely and most effectively cut your design into the block.