Friday, September 27, 2013

9/27/13 Basic Drawing

Today's Class-  Today we talked about using perspective in drawing.  I demonstrated one and two point perspective on the board, but we spent most of the class doing exercises in a natural perspective, observing angles, negative spaces, and relative positions to try to locate all the objects in a still life to the same logical space and plane.

How to make this up-  The class did two still life drawings, each for about half the class period.  One used just boxes of the same type, while the second added some cylindrical forms (various cans) to the set up.  Each was drawn with pencil line on a sheet of your 18" x 24" pad.  The specifics of the assignment and other examples can be found here.

These are portfolio exercises, and must be made up by the first half portfolio review in order to receive full credit.

Homework-  You will need a box with a large flat side (such as a cereal or cracker box) and lay it down flat.  Then find 3 medium sized bottles, which will all be laid down on the still life- one with the mouth facing toward you, one laying pointing to the right or left, and one at a diagonal.  One of those bottles should be placed on top of the box, the other two in front of it. Sketch with pencil line on a page in your sketchbook.  Then switch the bottle on top for one of the others facing a different direction and sketch the set up again. Then switch the top bottle for the one in the third direction and draw, to in the end you'll have three pages of sketches, each with the bottle on top facing a different direction.

For next class 10/4/13-  We will finish up our study of line with a still life of mixed objects, our first individually graded project of the semester.   Bring your 18" x 24" pad, pencils, and erasers.  Be on time- the later you arrive, the less time you'll have to work on the drawing.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

9/26/13 2D Design

Today's Class- Tonight we opened with a quick critique of the stipple drawings, which were graded and returned.  Most of the class was spent working on what is our second graded project of the semester, a line drawing of a potted plant and its holder.

How to make this up- You will need a large potted leafy plant, either living or artificial.  The plant should be on some kind of stand, or if you lack one, put it on desk or kitchen chair.  Draw it using pencil line only at 100% scale using a full sheet of your 18" x 24" paper.  Include the plant, its pot, and whatever of its stand will fit on the page.  Above is a student example from a previous semester.  Further details about the project, as well as additional student examples, can be found here.

This is a graded project that must be turned in as soon as possible to receive partial credit.

Homework- Nothing new this week, though anyone who owes the plant drawing or stipple drawing should get them done for next week.

For next class 10/3/13- We will do a value drawing portfolio exercise from a still life set up as the conclusion to the drawing part of the semester.  You may use your choice of charcoal or black conte crayon.  Bring that, your 18" x 24" pad, appropriate eraser for your material, blending tools if desired, and spray fixative.

Friday, September 20, 2013

9/20/13 Basic Drawing

Today's Class-  Today we continued our study of line, with a series of portfolio exercises addressing such concepts as gestural drawing and negative space.  

How to make this up-  Three different exercises were done today, each requiring a different subject.  First was an exercise in gestural drawing, working from an arrangement of curving bamboo branches.  Second was an exercise in pure negative space drawing in which the students drew the shapes of spaces in a wooden chair.  In the third exercise we applied the lessons of the second drawing to a practical drawing problem, a still life of bottles.  The specific information about how to set up your subjects and student examples of these exercises can be found here.

These are portfolio exercises that must be made up by the first half portfolio collection to receive full credit.

Homework-  We will continue with bottles and the issues explored in the last exercise of the day.  Set up four similarly sized bottles (four wine bottles, four soda bottles, four perfume bottles, etc)  on a table top with a little space between them.  Do a line drawing of the four on a page in your sketchbook, using  the pencil of your choice.  Leave the bottles in place, but move yourself to different viewing position around the table and draw it again on a new page.  Repeat two more times for a total of 4 drawings of the four bottles.  (or if you prefer, set up the 4 bottles on some kind of board or tray and rotate the whole thing, so the bottles maintain relative positions to each other but you see it differently each time)

For next class 9/27/13- We will continue with line, doing some exercises involving perspective.  Bring your 18" x 24" pad, pencils and eraser, and sketchbook homework.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

9/19/13 2D Design

Today's Class-  Tonight we started our study of line.  I showed about three dozen art historical slides, from cave paintings to the 20th century, discussing how artists used lines in each and the effects they had.  Then the class did a series of portfolio exercises involving contour line.

How to make this up-  Find yourself a shoe, a closed one works best.  (dress shoe, sneaker, boot, but avoid sandals and flipflops) Use your 18" x 24" pad and pencils and complete a series of exercises involving different kinds of contour lines.  You may draw more than one shoe on each page (as in the above student example) and even use the backs of the sheets.  The specific instructions can be found here.

This is a portfolio exercise, due at the end of the semester, but considering all the bigger projects we have coming up, I advise you to get this done now.

Homework- The stipple (dot) drawings begun in class last week are due at the beginning of class on September 26, 2013.  You must bring both the drawing and the original source photo.  They'll be graded and returned the same night.

For next class 9/26/13- We will have a critique of the stipple projects, and then start a new graded project, a pencil line still life drawing.  Bring your 18" x 24" pad, pencils, and eraser.  

Friday, September 13, 2013

9/13/13 Basic Drawing

Today's Class-  Today we began our study of line.  I showed a few dozen slides of historical art, from cave paintings to the 20th century, explaining the ways the artists used line and the effects it had in each piece.  After that, the class did a series of exercises in contour line drawing, using shoes as the subject.

How to make this up-  Find yourself a shoe, one that's closed works best (sneaker, dress shoe, boot, etc, but stay away from sandals and flip flops).  Use your 18" x 24" pad and your choice of pencils (if you like, try different ones to see how they work).  You may draw more than one shoe on the page (as in the above student example) and even use the back of the page if you like.  You'll be doing a series of contour line exercises.  The specific instructions and details, as well as photos of student examples, can be found here.

Homework-  More shoes.  Using your small sketchbook, and pencil of your choice, draw 10 shoes, one per page, so that each more or less fills the page.  You may do 10 drawings of the same shoe, or a variety of shoes.  Do the following sketches, similar to what we did during class:

8 pages of exterior contour line shoes
1 cross contour shoe drawing
1 full detail line shoe drawing

For next class 9/20/13-  We will continue our study of line.  Bring your 18" x 24" pad, pencils, eraser, and sketchbook homework.  

Thursday, September 12, 2013

9/12/13 2D Design

Today's Class- On our first real day of class we started our study of two dimensional art by using the simplest of all marks, the dot or point.  The class did a portfolio exercise and started the first graded project of the semester.

How to make this up-  You will need to do the following exercise and project:

Wallpaper Exercise

Take a piece of your 18" x 24" paper, and use your pencil to divide it into three roughly equal vertical sections.  Then use your various black markers to create three patterns using nothing but dots.  The patterns can be pure geometry or form recognizable images.  As with classic wallpaper, the patterns must repeat somewhere between the top and the bottom.  Above is a student example from a previous semester.

This is a portfolio exercise and must be made up by the end of the semester to receive full credit.

Stipple Value Drawing

A stipple drawing is a value drawing made from nothing but dots of ink.  By varying the concentration of dots in a given area, values can be made lighter or darker, and with careful placement can show gradual changes in light and dark, and even simulate textures.  Students were asked to choose a black and white photo showing a three dimensional object, ideally with a wide range of light, medium, and dark values.  A pencil breakdown of the photo was done on paper, then dots of ink from your ultra fine point markers are used to match the values from the photo.  Above is a student example from a previous semester (click to enlarge and see the detail).  Additional examples and the detailed instructions for the assignment can be found here.  

Homework- The stipple drawing mentioned above is due at the beginning of class on September 26, 2013.  You must bring both the original source photo and the resulting drawing at that time.  Drawings will be graded and returned that night.

For next class 9/19/13-  We will start our study of line with some exercises in contour line.  Our subject will be shoes.  Since I do not have enough to provide one to everyone, you are responsible for making sure you have a shoe to draw.  (an closed shoe works best- avoid simple sandals and flip flops, not enough there to draw)  You can bring an extra one with you or be prepared to remove one from your foot. Bring your 18" x 24" pad, pencils and eraser, along with your shoe.

Friday, September 6, 2013

9/6/13 Basic Drawing

Today's Class-  Today was our first meeting of the semester.  I distributed and reviewed the syllabus with the class.  I had the students fill out a survey related to their artistic background and interests, which we discussed as a class.

Homework-  nothing yet

For next class 9/13/13-  We will start our study of line with some contour drawing. The subject will be shoes, and since I don't have enough to give one to everyone, you will be responsible for providing one yourself, so either bring an extra one or be prepared to remove one from your foot.  Also bring your 18" x 24" drawing pad, pencils, and pencil eraser.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

9/5/13 2D Design

Today's Class- Tonight was our first meeting of the semester.  I distributed the syllabus and reviewed its contents with the class.  I had the students complete a survey regarding their artistic background and experiences, which we discussed as a group.

Homework- Find a black and white photograph to be the subject of a project we will start in class next week.  It must be a photo of an actual three dimensional object or scene, not just a flat design.  It may be a photo you have taken yourself, or may be one from a book or magazine.  You will be drawing from it, so choose something that you feel you can work with.  (if you can't draw people, don't pick an image of a person)  Something with a wide range of lights, darks, and middle tones works best.

For next class 9/12/13- Bring your 18" x 24" pad of drawing paper, pencil, eraser, two black ultra fine point markers, large permanent black marker, and your black and white photo.

Welcome to the Fall 2013 Semester

This is the blog that I have set up for my classes at OCC.  To make things less confusing, posts that are specifically for my Basic Drawing class (183-05) will be written in green text, while posts for my 2D Design class (184-E-01) will be written in blue text.  Posts that can apply to both, such as this announcement, will be in black text.

Each week I will post information about the class in this space, usually later that evening.  The title of each post will contain the name of the class and the date.  I will post a description of whatever we worked on in class that day, including photos of student work if applicable and available.  I will also include homework assignments, due dates, and a list of materials needed for the following meeting.  About one month's worth of posts will appear on the main page, then older ones can be accessed by the archive functions in the right hand column.

Certainly this site will be useful for anyone who misses a class for any reason.  Many students are able to catch up before the next class.  But even if you never miss a class, you might come here to verify a due date, see additional examples of completed projects, or just get a reminder of what you need to bring to the next class.  It's available 24/7, without having to wait for me to reply to your e-mail.  If you still need additional information or have other questions, you are welcome to e-mail me and I'll likely be back to you within a day, but in my experience, most of what students need to know will already be here.