Friday, May 8, 2015

5/8/15 Basic Drawing

Today's Class- Today was our final meeting of the semester.  We had a critique of the Final drawings from last week, then I dismissed everyone temporarily while I graded those, the 2nd half portfolio, and the sketchbooks.  Those students who returned at the designated time could pick up all their work and learn the grades for the items mentioned above.  For those who did not, I put their large pads (with the final inside) and sketchbooks on the top shelf, just to the left of the door to the hall.  A slip of paper inside lists those grades.  I can't guarantee how long stuff will remain on the shelf, so if you are concerned with getting those back, don't wait too long.

Final semester grades will be calculated in the next several days and submitted to the school.  When they will post them I have no idea.

Enjoy your summer.

Thursday, May 7, 2015

5/7/15 2D Design

Today's Class-  Tonight was our final meeting in this revised schedule.  We critiqued the mixed media collage pieces and the Final Projects.  After I finished grading all those items, as well as other late arriving work, and the semester portfolio, students could return and pick up all their work.  Work that was not picked up by the end of class was put on the shelf by the door.  Work for my 2D class is on the 2nd shelf from the top.

Final semester grades will be calculated and submitted to the web by early next week. The college will make them available to students whenever it is that they do so.  

Enjoy the summer.

Friday, May 1, 2015

5/1/15 Basic Drawing

Today's Class-  Today was the Final Drawing of the semester.  I set up a still life of typical objects and students had the whole class period to do a full value drawing of it on their 18" x 24" paper, using their choice of charcoal, ink wash, or conte crayon.  As it turned out, the class was evenly divided between those options in what they chose.  Once finished, they could turn in their drawing and leave.

How to make this up-  Yet another day of perfect attendance.  Everyone did it, everyone turned one in.

Homework-  No homework this week.  If you think you may not have done all the previous homework sketches, take this opportunity to go back through this blog (archive function in the right hand column) and compare what's listed to your sketchbook.

2nd half Portfolio-  Everything done in class since the the first half Portfolio that wasn't individually graded.  If you missed no classes (and most of you didn't) you have it all done.  Here's what I'll be looking for, and the date the assignments can be found on this blog:

4/3/15-  Ink Wash  Drape plus one object.
                              Drape plus two objects.

4/17/15- Conte Crayon  Still life with black crayon
                                      Still life with red crayon

4/24/15- Conte Crayon  Mannequin w/ red & black
                        Assorted body parts w/ red & black

total of 6 drawings

For next class 5/8/15-  Our final meeting of the semester.  We will open with a group critique of the drawings from today, after which I will temporarily dismiss the class while I grade the 2nd half Portfolio and the semester sketchbook.  Students will be able to return later during the scheduled period to pick up those items and learn the grades received.  Bring your 2nd half Portfolio and homework sketchbook.