Thursday, May 8, 2014

5/8/14 2D Design

Today's Class-  Tonight was our final meeting of the semester.  We critiqued the Final Projects, and then I dismissed everyone temporarily while I graded those and the portfolios.  All work was returned to those students who stuck around.  Final semester grades will be calculated and submitted by next week.  

Enjoy the summer.

Thursday, May 1, 2014

5/1/14 2D Design

Today's Class-  Today was a general work day.  After a critique of the Dada inspired mixed media collages and a few other late arriving works, students could work on anything related to the class.  Most worked on their board games, but some had some back projects to work on.

How to make this up-  Everything we've done this semester can be found on the blog, either by using the archive functions on the right, or by clicking on older posts at the bottom of the page.  Figure out what you need to do and do it.

Homework-  The Board Game Final Project is due at the beginning of class on May 8, 2014.  

Late projects should be completed and brought in for partial credit.  Nothing will be accepted after the end of next week's class. If you have any excuse notes, bring them in by then.

For next class 5/8/14- Our last meeting.  We will critique the Final Projects and some late arriving graded projects, then I'll dismiss you while I grade those, and the semester portfolios.  I will let you know what time to return to pick up your work and receive your grades for those items.  The sooner we start, the sooner we finish, so come on time.