Thursday, September 9, 2010

Welcome to the Fall 2010 Semester

This is the blog that I have set up for all my classes at Ocean County College. To make things easier to follow, posts for my Art History I class (ARTS 181-W1) will be in red text, posts for my Basic Drawing class (ARTS 183-05) will be in green text, while posts for my 2D Design class (ARTS 184-E01) will be made using blue text. Posts that may be of interest to all my classes, such as this one, will be written with black text.

I will use the blog each week to post information about my various classes. I will include a description of what was covered, and any assigned homework. For the studio classes I will show photos of finished student work when applicable and available, and provide detailed instructions as to how to make up the projects, as well as due dates and materials needed for the following class. For my art history class, I will include the chapter(s) covered, important works, vocabularies, and themes.

The title of each post will include the date and the name of the class. About a month's worth of postings will appear on the main page, but earlier posts will be available through the blog archives. This blog is no substitute for the class itself, but it allows a student who misses a class to catch up quicker. And for those students who never miss class, it may still be worth stopping by to see more examples of finished projects, or to get a reminder of when things are due, or what is needed for the next class. It is available 24/7, and most of what you will need to know is there without requiring a reply from me. If you need further explanation or have other questions, you are free to e-mail me and I'll get back to you within a day most times.

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