How to make this up- Students did a value drawing using either charcoal or black conte crayon from a still life set up of white objects, lit with spotlights to create patterns of light and shadow. For full details as to how to make this up, and to see additional student examples, click here. This is a portfolio exercise and must be made up by the end of the semester to receive credit.
Homework- Nothing new, but those who still owe me the first two projects (stipple drawing and plant drawing) should get them done as soon as possible.
For next class 3/3/11- We will begin the design oriented phase of the class with a relief printing project. The subject of your image will be a book illustration from the literary source of your choice- novel, non-fiction, short story, poem, etc. (No children's stories or things recently adapted for movies) For next week bring sketch paper (can be your 18" x 24" pad, but a smaller sketchbook will do fine), pencil and eraser, black markers, x-acto knife, and the literary source that you are planning to adapt.
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