Thursday, January 26, 2012

Welcome to the Spring 2012 Semester

This is the blog website that I have set up for my classes at OCC. Following class each week I'll post information about what we did. The title of each post will include the date and the name of the class. To make things easier to follow, information about my Basic Drawing class (ARTS 183 04) will be written in green text, while information specific to my 2D Design class (ARTS 184 E01) will be shown in blue text. Information, that applies to both classes, will be posted using black text.

Each week's post will include a description of what was done in class that day. That will include a detailed description of exercises and projects. Photos of student examples from previous semesters will be included if available and applicable. I will also list homework assignments and due dates, as well as all the materials required for the following week's class. About a month's worth of postings will be shown on the main page, but earlier postings can be accessed through the archives to the right.

The main purpose of this site is to provide information for students who miss a class for whatever reason. They can get caught up quickly, perhaps even before returning to class. It is not meant to be a substitute for actually coming to class. However, the site can be useful even for those who never miss a day, but just need a reminder of what to bring the next week, or when a particular assignment is due. It is available to you 24/7 without having to wait for me to reply to an e-mail. If anyone has additional questions or needs further explanation, you are welcome to contact me by e-mail, and I'll generally get back to you within 24 hours.

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