Friday, October 24, 2014

10/24/14 Basic Drawing

Today's Class- Today we concluded our study of value drawing using charcoal.  I set up a still life with objects of mixed values and the class had the entire period to draw it using the charcoal of their choice.  While that was going on I graded the first half of the semester portfolios.  Today's drawings were collected and will be returned graded next week.

How to make this up-  Today's assignment is a graded project.  Set up a still life on a tabletop- drape a box with a white cloth and a darkly colored cloth, and then gather a mixture of light and dark colored objects to place on and around it.  Specific instructions as to what you'll need, as well as additional student examples, can be found here.

This is a graded assignment, and the value of it decreases the longer it takes you to turn it in, so complete it as soon as you can.   If you have any medical notes to cover why you weren't there today, bring them to class.  The portfolio grading is also time sensitive, so if you weren't there today or are one of those who needed to make up something, try to get it for next week.

Homework- Find yourself a pumpkin.  Can be whole, or one carved into a jack o'lantern.  Shine a light on it so that shadows are created by the texture and cast onto whatever it is sitting on.  Draw the pumpkin using your softest pencil, matching the values of the pumpkin surface, stem, and shadows as closely as possible.  Then rotate the pumpkin and do a second drawing, for a total of two drawings.

For next class 10/31/14-  We will continue with value, but now with ink wash.  Bring your 18" x 24" pad, pencil and eraser, a small bottle of black waterproof ink (india ink), two brushes (small and medium sizes) designed for watercolors, and a container or two for holding water.  Watercolor paper works better than the paper in your pad, but you may use the standard drawing paper if you prefer.

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