Friday, February 13, 2015

2/13/15 Basic Drawing

Today's Class-  Today we continued our study of line, introducing the idea of perspective.  It includes a variety of techniques designed to imply three dimensional space and volume in a two dimensional work.  I demonstrated the one point and two point perspective systems, but quickly moved the class into natural perspective, using careful observation, negative space, relative positions, etc to show the objects and the space.  The class did two portfolio exercises, one using several identical boxes, and one where some cylindrical objects were introduced to the set up.

How to make this up-  Gather several medium size boxes, which you will arrange on a large table.  Using a full sheet of your 18" x 24" pad, draw the set up, paying attention to the dimensions and proportions of the boxes, relative positions, negative space between and around the boxes, and specific angles.  For the second exercise, add some cylinder forms (cans, etc) to the set up.  Draw with pencil, line only.  Above is a student example from a previous semester.  Another example, and the full instructions can be found here.

These are portfolio exercises that must be made up by the first half portfolio collection to receive full credit.

Homework- Find a flat box (such a cereal or large cracker box) and lay it down on a table.  Find 3 medium small bottles (such as soda bottles), and lay them down on their sides so that one has its mouth facing toward you, one is seen in full profile, and one sits at an angle to you.  Put one of the box, and the other two in front and draw the still life on a page in your sketchbook using pencil line.  Then switch the bottle on the box for one of the other bottles and draw the set up again.  Then switch the bottle on the box again for the third bottle and draw again, so that you'll have three sketches, each with a bottle facing a different direction on top of the box.  When drawing the box, use perspective to show the box as level.

For next class 2/20/15- We will be doing a complex still life, a mixture of different kinds of objects.  It is the final line drawing of the semester and your first individually graded project.  Bring your 18" x 24" pad, pencils and eraser.

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