Friday, October 14, 2016

10/14/16 Basic Drawing

Today's class- Today we moved on to the next phase of the class- drawing with value.  In art, value refers to use of light and dark.  I showed a few dozen slides of historical art (ancient Rome to the present), showing how value has been used to imply roundness, build space, add weight, show texture, tell time of day, besides just describing the visual appearance of what is being rendered by the artist.  Value based drawing will be a part of this class for the rest of the semester, but for the next few weeks, we'll be doing it with charcoal, a classic artistic medium.

How to make this up- Set up a still life on a table.  Place a small/medium box on a table, drape with a white or light colored cloth (sheet, towel, etc) and find 3 white or light colored objects of similar size.  Place one on top of the draped box, the other two on the table around it.  Light the set up so that patterns of light and shadow are created.  You will do two charcoal drawings, each on a full sheet of your 18' x 24" paper, using all the skills you developed in line drawing (shape, proportions, perspective, etc), but now adding matching light and dark.  The first drawing will be a reductive (eraser) drawing using vine charcoal, the second will use the darker compressed charcoal.  Specific instructions and student examples can be found here.

These are portfolio exercises that will be graded as part of the midterm portfolio evaluation in two weeks, so should be made up by then for full credit.  If you have no experience with charcoal, I recommend doing it before next week, so you'll be better prepared for next week's drawing exercises.

Homework- Set up a still life as in the above "How to make this up" section.  Draw the still life set up on a full page in your small sketchbook using the softest pencil you have (such as 4B or 6B), dealing with all the concepts from the first part of the semester, but now also matching the value you are seeing in the still life.  Then rearrange the objects and draw it a second time.  Then rearrange again an draw it a third time.  Total of 3 sketches.

For next class 10/21/16-  More of the same, except we will add more local colors and local values to our subject.  Bring your 18" x 24" pad, both vine and compressed charcoal. spray fixative, and a kneaded eraser.

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