Wednesday, April 12, 2017

4/12/17 3D Design

Today's Class- Tonight we worked on the next graded project, combining figure sculpture, scale adjustments, and the concept of installation art, along with two new materials for this class.  The process began several weeks ago when we cast blocks of plaster and set them aside for the future.  I opened with a brief slide show of two late 20th century artists who popularized installation art- George Segal and Edward Keinholz.  From a pile of magazines I brought in, students selected a photo of a person and created a scale model of that figure using modeling clay.  That clay figure would be used as a model for a plaster figure carved from the cast blocks.

Just as sculptors have been doing for centuries, the modeled clay piece was used to provide a visual reference, aiding in deciding what had to be removed.  Using available tools, students started cutting the blocks down to the shapes they will need to be.   A little messy, but great progress was made.

How to make this up- Everyone was present, got started, and knows what to do.

Homework- Nothing yet.  Work will continue on this project in next week's class, at which time I will decide when the final piece will be due.

For next class 4/19/17- We continue on these installation pieces.  Once the plaster figures are carved, you will need to create the environment that will be around them, and that space is considered part of the sculpture.  I will have all the same tools, but if there is something else you want to use, bring it in.  Also bring in whatever materials you need to work on the installation part of the piece- found objects, glue. etc.  

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